Everyone has heard about Botox, but many people have unanswered questions about these popular injections: "Does Botox hurt?", "Should I get Botox in my 20s?", "Does Botox actually work?", etc. The list goes on and on. So, we decided to document the Botox process - starting with the consultation, the injection, and the results from real patients to give you a better insight.
Three patients decided to schedule your Botox consultations with our ARNP Injection Specialist, Michelle Fletcher. Only one of our new patients had used Botox injections before (though it was her first time At Vado) while the other two patients were first-timers. They had a list full of questions ready for their consultation:
Will Botox results look natural?
Our injection specialist is trained to provide natural, beautiful results. However, Botox results can look unnatural if you do not have a trained, experienced Injection Specialist.
What is the cost of Botox per unit?
Our standard price is $12/unit. However, new patients and Vado members receive Botox at $10/unit.
How many units of Botox do I need?
The average amount people get ranges from 40 to 60 units. However, your goals, severity of your current wrinkles, and desired results affect the total number of units you'll need.
Do Botox injections hurt?
Surprisingly, no! We're heard many patients describe it as a little pinch.
"There was a little bit of pressure but it wasn't as bad as I imagined, it went by really quick."
At 21 years old, patient 1 is a first-time Botox user. As she had no visible signs of aging, she decided to try a lip flip. This involved Botox injections along the outside edges of her lip, which rolls the lips outward and gives it a lifted appearance. The procedure only totaled 8 units of Botox through 4 injections, and it was over in about 15 seconds.
"Oh, that's not bad at all. It feels like a finger prick!"
At 28 years old, patient 2 is also a first-time Botox user! She decided to use Botox to target the frown lines between her eyebrows to smooth out the "furrowed" look.
The procedure only totaled 20 units of Botox through 4 injections, and it was over in about 15 seconds. After just a few days, patient 2 started noticing effects and by the end of the week, her frown lines were gone!
"I'm excited, I'm not nervous. I'm not a pro but I'm not nervous, bikini waxes are way worse!"
At 29 years old, patient 3 is a second-time Botox user, though this was her first time at Vado Plastic Surgery. Her procedure totaled 35 units and covered the frown lines in between her eyebrows as well as the static lines on her forehead.
Patient 3 was amazed with her results. After hearing about her previous experience and her desired result, our injection specialist suggested she address the static lines across her forehead as well. The combined effect was exactly what patient 3 had wanted!
Our team of board-certified plastic surgeons is dedicated to providing each and every one of our patients with quality care and results. If you're considering plastic surgery in Orlando, call us at (407)-377-5438 or fill out our online form to schedule your in-person or virtual consultation at Vado Plastic Surgery!